Friday, May 22, 2009


I'm just sad. We lost another house. I know it's not really ours til we're in it but still. I'm frustrated and annoyed.

We have two more houses that have come on the market in the last week that we're going to look at. One is a HUD house so it has to be shown by a HUD agent so hopefully someone is around this weekend. The other one our regular realtor (mom's cousin) can show us.

Please I just want to be done with this and moved into some place. :(


  1. I am so sorry, Mel! I remember when we were buying our first house (that we no longer have) and how stressful the experience was. I used to be so stressed for lack of things being pinned down that I would drive home from work with my hands gripping the steering wheel and puff on this old cigar I kept in the back yard. It was the only thing that helped lol

    You will get through this! Just don't let these experiences cause you to lower your demands & expectations.

  2. yeah I know it's out there. I swear I need to smoke or drink or something.

    There is a promising one we saw today but I'm not getting my hopes up.
