Monday, June 25, 2012

Safety Town

Gabe finished Safety Town on Friday and it was great.  I think we learned a lot, him and I both!  He's definitely working on learning his phone number much better now.  He's got his address down.  He learned lots of other things while there too.  I think the most important thing was really that we need to make sure we're working on some of the things I know Gabe needs to learn each and every day so we don't end up overwhelmed and frustrated (both of us). 

I think that it was a great learning experience for him and me.  He got great responses from the teachers about being a good kid and listening well, of course I hear that he's the ham too.  He does need to work on some paying attention skills which I know is the age and the fact that he's had very little structured learning.  I think as a whole he is ready for kindergarten in the fall.  I'm going to bet that we do end up doing some speech therapy but I think at this point I'm going to wait it out and just see how things go when he starts school.

Gabe is really enjoying the summer so far and he loves being outside and especially playing with Matthew and Sarah.  He will play in the pool in the yard all day if I let him, and he will be taking swimming classes next month.  I'm hoping that will help him to get his face in the water and not panic if someone splashes him.  

All in all things are good and we're having a fun summer.  I do wish that we had a car during the day to just bop around places but we'll make it through and soon I'll be back in school and suddenly so will he!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Should I or shouldn't I? You decide!

In just 4 days I'll have technically completed Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.  I pushed back my end date so that I will have gotten 30 workouts but I think I'm still short one or two.  Still all things considered it's pretty cool.  I actually like the work out. 

I'm looking for the next thing I should do.  If it's on Netflix or free somewhere on the internet even better!  So give me your ideas.  I like things that are in the 30 min range because I have time for that even with the kiddo home with me during the day in the summer, and during the school year that's all I'll likely be able to commit to on any one day. 

I'm not sure if I'll post the before and after pictures or not, because I took the before pictures in my sports bra and workout pants and I'm not really happy about sharing the stretch marks on the internet.  But I'll make sure I take two sets of after, one without the tank top on and one with, so you'll get a current picture of me.  I haven't lost much weight this month (I think the scale lies) but I'm obviously stronger now than I was when I started so I'm hoping that shows. I might be persuaded but it would have to be by a lot of people LOL!

Mike and I started doing water aerobics twice a week.  It is sort of fun actually.  We are the only people under about 70 years old but that's okay, they're inviting us to play Bridge :)  I did tell Mike I wanted to meet new couples but this wasn't quite what I had in mind.  At least we're doing something together and it is exercise.  Plus in the water is good for Mike because even if it has been 90 out Mike feels comfortable in the water.  I'm really thinking about a pool for us, something decent sized. 

Are you up for the challenge?  Convince me to post the actual before pictures.  And sell me your workout videos and where I can find them.  

Thursday, June 14, 2012


I really dislike the "new" blogger layout.  It's been that way for a bit now but it annoys me.

Anyhow that's not what this is about.  This is about the funk.  You know what I'm talking about, we've all been there.  You get into a funk, and sometimes for no discernible reason, and can't get out of it.  I'm pretty sure I'm in a funk because it's post party week.  I spent a lot of time planning and thinking about the party that I have post party depression. 

I'm attempting to drag myself out of it! 

To add to it I twisted my ankle and had to skip working out for two days, which is bad because then I don't want to go back to working out.  I know I gotta just DO IT! and then I'll feel better, or not but at least it will be done.  I'm frustrated with eating and working out, things just aren't moving for me right now.  I'm pretty sure I'm not tracking food as well as I need to be but I'm tired of it and it makes me annoyed and cranky (which feeds into the post party depression funk). 

Being off for the summer is a double edged sword.  I love not having to stress about school but I have no purpose when I'm off like this.  I make no money for the family, which stresses me out, and I have no goals like I do during school, which makes me feel productive. 

Gabe is busy doing Safety Town this week.  I think he likes it but it's hard to tell with him because he's a grumpy old man and doesn't like to talk about "school".  The teachers say he's a ham and a good kid so I figure he must be enjoying himself.

Currently we are number 4 on the waiting list for our preferred school.  It should have gone by address but this is a weird year and there are too many kids for this school (which is literally across from my house) and not as many in one of the other schools.  We're all in the same district.  I'm just crossing my fingers that things work out because I REALLY want/need him to be across the street from us.  It is one of the big things that sold us on this house.  So cross your fingers and toes, and even your eyes that before September 3 families with kindergarteners move OUT of our area of town. 

Next week Mike and I start our evening water aerobic class twice a week, and I'm really hoping that is fun.  It will be nice to have something to do together that is adult only too, even if it is a little corny.  I'm glad we're doing it together.