We made progress this weekend. We got a large backhoe (well small one really) and my Uncle and Dad finished up the holes. We could finish with this because we knew we were safe from the gas line. Mike did drive and dig a bit. Boy was my hubby was so sexy with that machinery!
The holes are HUGE. That's good. It means more sunlight into the basement so I don't really turn into a vampire. I can't believe how much dirt that thing moved and how quick it happened! We only had 4 hours of run time and we finished everything and moved all the dirt out of the way. We had some spots in the yard that needed it and it will enlarge our extra parking pad.
My dad also started the first stud wall in the basement. So I'm hoping to make some progress this week and get a few more up so that we can finish up stuff this weekend and order the concrete saw for the weekend after that. That's my birthday weekend so we'll see. I got two holes in the ground for my birthday how about some holes in the walls too!?!
I did remember to take at least one before pic of the basement so I'll show that off too. The window on the left will be in our bedroom, the window on the right will be in the living room (Larger of course). Closer to where I took the pic to the left of that lamp will be our bathroom.
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